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Novell VL

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   Kijelölt termékek: Kosárba Tájékoztatás kérés vagy rendelés
Jelöl Hasonlít Cikkszám Termék Net Ár ( Ft ) Készlet Mennyiség
RANOVVL00601   SUSE Linux Enterprise Point of Service Client 3-Year Standard Subscription 34.350,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00602   SUSE Linux Enterprise Point of Service Client 1-Year Priority Subscription 24.040,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00603   SUSE Linux Enterprise Point of Service Client 3-Year Priority Subscription 64.320,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00604   SUSE Linux Enterprise Point of Service Branch Server 1-Year Standard Subscription 73.070,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00605   SUSE Linux Enterprise Point of Service Branch Server 3-Year Standard Subscription 199.830,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00606   SUSE Linux Enterprise Point of Service Branch Server 1-Year Priority Subscription 137.390,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00607   SUSE Linux Enterprise Point of Service Branch Server 3-Year Priority Subscription 371.570,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00608   SUSE Linux Enterprise Point of Service Admin Server 1-Year Standard Subscription 124.270,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00609   SUSE Linux Enterprise Point of Service Admin Server 3-Year Standard Subscription 337.220,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00610   SUSE Linux Enterprise Point of Service Admin Server 1-Year Priority Subscription 234.180,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00611   SUSE Linux Enterprise Point of Service Admin Server 3-Year Priority Subscription 630.730,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00612   Novell Compliance Management Platform 1-User... 1.030,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00613   Novell Compliance Management Platform 1-User... 2.870,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00614   Novell Compliance Management Platform 1-User... 880,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00615   Novell Compliance Management Platform 1-User... 2.410,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00616   Upgrade Novell eDirectory 8.8 1-User Government-to-Citizen/Business-to-Consumer... 60,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00617   Upgrade Novell eDirectory 8.8 1-User Government-to-Citizen/Business-to-Consumer... 50,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00618   Novell Privileged User Manager 2.3 1-Instance License + 1-Year Priority... 277.890,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00619   Novell Privileged User Manager 2.3 1-Instance License + 1-Year Standard... 268.530,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00620   Novell Privileged User Manager 1-Instance 1-Year Priority Maintenance 55.270,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00621   Novell Privileged User Manager 1-Instance 3-Year Priority Maintenance 152.690,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00622   Novell Privileged User Manager 1-Instance 1-Year Standard Maintenance 46.520,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00623   Novell Privileged User Manager 1-Instance 3-Year Standard Maintenance 128.960,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00624   PlateSpin Recon Inventory per Server for 1-99 Servers 1-Year Standard Maintenance 1.500,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00625   PlateSpin Recon Inventory per Server for 1-99 Servers 3-Year Standard Maintenance 4.370,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00626   PlateSpin Recon Inventory per Server for 1-99 Servers 1-Year Priority Maintenance 1.780,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00627   PlateSpin Recon Inventory per Server for 1-99 Servers 3-Year Priority Maintenance 5.000,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00628   PlateSpin Forge 5 Workload Add-on License for 10 Workload Product + 1-Year... 3.778.100,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00629   PlateSpin Forge 5 Workload Add-on License for 10 Workload Product + 1-Year... 3.871.780,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00630   PlateSpin Forge 300 Series with 10 Workloads 1-Year Standard Software Maintenance 1.967.110,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00631   PlateSpin Forge 300 Series with 10 Workloads 3-Year Standard Software Maintenance 5.464.200,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00632   PlateSpin Forge 300 Series with 10 Workloads 1-Year Priority Software Maintenance 2.341.800,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00633   PlateSpin Forge 300 Series with 10 Workloads 3-Year Priority Software Maintenance 6.432.140,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00634   PlateSpin Forge 500 Series with 10 Workloads 1-Year Standard Software Maintenance 2.310.580,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00635   PlateSpin Forge 500 Series with 10 Workloads 3-Year Standard Software Maintenance 6.369.700,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00636   PlateSpin Forge 500 Series with 10 Workloads 1-Year Priority Software Maintenance 2.716.490,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00637   PlateSpin Forge 500 Series with 10 Workloads 3-Year Priority Software Maintenance 7.493.760,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00638   PlateSpin Forge 5 Workload Add-on License for 10 Workload Product 1-Year... 649.460,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00639   PlateSpin Forge 5 Workload Add-on License for 10 Workload Product 3-Year... 1.842.220,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00640   PlateSpin Forge 5 Workload Add-on License for 10 Workload Product 1-Year... 771.230,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00641   PlateSpin Forge 5 Workload Add-on License for 10 Workload Product 3-Year... 2.154.460,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00642   PlateSpin Migrate per Server Workload Quantity 1-149 Workloads License + 1-Year... 83.990,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00643   PlateSpin Migrate per Server Workload Quantity 1-149 Workloads License + 1-Year... 86.800,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00644   PlateSpin Migrate per Server Workload Quantity 1-149 Workloads 1-Year Standard... 14.680,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00645   PlateSpin Migrate per Server Workload Quantity 1-149 Workloads 3-Year Standard... 40.900,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00646   PlateSpin Migrate per Server Workload Quantity 1-149 Workloads 1-Year Priority... 17.490,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00647   PlateSpin Migrate per Server Workload Quantity 1-149 Workloads 3-Year Priority... 48.400,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00648   PlateSpin Protect Enterprise Server Workload Perpetual 1-49 License + 1-Year... 427.770,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00649   PlateSpin Protect Enterprise Server Workload Perpetual 1-49 License + 1-Year... 440.260,00 Ft Igen
RANOVVL00650   PlateSpin Protect Enterprise Server Workload Perpetual 1-49 1-Year Standard... 74.000,00 Ft Igen

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